Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to Death and the Afterlife

    2. Shaykh Issarar's Message to his Students

    3. Death and the Afterlife - Pre-Course Survey

    1. Introduction to Lesson 1

    2. Death and the Afterlife - Lesson 1 (Video)

    3. Death and the Afterlife - Lesson 1 Quiz

    1. Introduction to Lesson 2

    2. Death and the Afterlife - Lesson 2 (Video)

    3. Death and the Afterlife - Lesson 2 Quiz

    1. Introduction to Lesson 3

    2. Death and the Afterlife - Lesson 3 (Video)

    3. Death and the Afterlife - Lesson 3 Quiz

    1. Introduction to Lesson 4

    2. Death and the Afterlife - Lesson 4 (Video)

    3. Death and the Afterlife - Lesson 4 Quiz

    1. Introduction to Lesson 5

    2. Death and the Afterlife - Lesson 5 (Video)

    3. Death and the Afterlife - Lesson 5 Quiz

About this course

  • £10.00
  • 40 lessons
  • 7 hours of video content